Ways To Keep Teeth Healthy This Halloween

After the heat we experienced this summer, we know that many of you are looking forward to cooler weather this fall. With Halloween right around the corner, cooler weather will be helpful when trick-or-treating and enjoying any costume parties. While dressing up is always popular around Halloween, another popular aspect of this holiday is candy. We want to share some helpful tips that will ensure your mouth remains healthy after this sugar-filled holiday.

The Dangers Of Untreated Sleep Apnea

One of the most important things that we can do for our bodies is get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is necessary to recharge your body and your mind so you are prepared to function properly from day to day. If you haven’t slept well, you may notice that you feel irritable, moody, exhausted, and just not like yourself. If you feel like this often, have learned that you snore every night, or find yourself having difficulty falling and staying asleep, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Once you receive a sleep apnea diagnosis, it is important to receive treatment because it can impact your day-to-day life as well as your overall health. Read on to learn more about the importance of treating sleep apnea and how we can help you or your loved ones.

Should You Be Worried About Bleeding Gums?

Have you ever noticed something red or pink in the water when you rinse your mouth after brushing? If so, your gums may be bleeding. Bleeding gums can be caused by something as simple as food stuck between teeth that has caused irritation; however, if you experience bleeding gums regularly, it can be an indication of a more serious problem with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about what may be causing your bleeding gums.

Help Your Teens Have Optimal Oral Health

At Rivercrest Family Dental, we care about the health of our patients of all ages. We often stress the importance of caring for your oral health. Our adult patients are responsible for their own oral health, and children rely on an adult to help them care for their teeth. What about our teenage patients? While it is important for adults to ensure that our teenage patients are visiting our office for routine hygiene examinations and cleanings, adolescence is a time when teens become responsible for caring for their oral health on a daily basis. We want to help our teenage patients understand the harm they can cause to their teeth when they do not care for them properly.

Schedule Your Next Appointment Before Summer Is Over

We don’t know how you feel, but the summer seems to be flying by. Before you know it, school will be starting again, and the fall routines will be back in full swing. When was the last time you and your family visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months or you cannot remember when you or your family had their last visit, now is the time to schedule an appointment. You might be surprised at the effect your summer snacking and sweets can have on your oral health. Read on to learn about the importance of routine dental care, especially after the summer.

What To Know About A Tooth Extraction

At Rivercrest Family Dental, we are passionate about helping our patients save their natural teeth. Unfortunately, there are certain instances when that is not possible, and we may recommend a tooth extraction. An extraction may be needed for a number of reasons, such as severe decay, complications from gum disease, trauma to the mouth, complications with wisdom teeth, or even to help prepare the mouth before orthodontic treatment. A tooth extraction is when the entire tooth structure, including the root, is fully removed.

Learn More About Oral Health Through Each Stage of Pregnancy

One of the most exciting times in life is during pregnancy and having a newborn. Many patients are surprised to learn that pregnancy not only changes the state and appearance of the body but can also have some lasting effects on dental health. We wanted to share how your dental health can be affected during pregnancy and some helpful tips to keep your teeth in great shape. Even if you aren’t expecting it, you can forward this information to a loved one who might be experiencing this exciting time.

Tips For Summer Dental Care

We don’t know about you, but we are thrilled that summer is starting soon. While we know it already feels like summer, we can all celebrate the official start in a few short days. While we hope you have tons of summer fun planned, we want to remind you to continue to care for your oral health because not caring for your teeth now can lead to unwanted oral health issues in the future. Continue reading to learn some helpful suggestions for caring for your teeth this summer.

What To Do In A Dental Emergency

Here at Rivercrest Family Dental, we could not be happier that spring has arrived and summer is right around the corner. Summer is a time when everyone is out and about, children are playing outdoors, enjoying summer sports, and families are planning and taking vacations. Nothing can ruin a fun time like a dental emergency. It always seems like an emergency happens at the absolute worst moment. Would you know what to do if you or a loved one experienced a dental emergency? We want to share some helpful tips on how to avoid an emergency and what to do if one should occur.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Do you always find yourself reaching for a breath mint or keeping your distance from another person when you talk because you are concerned about the smell of your breath? Bad breath happens to us all from time to time. It is especially common after eating certain foods and drinking beverages such as coffee, which explains the term “coffee breath.” For many people, brushing and flossing their teeth or using a piece of sugar-free gum will help improve their breath. Unfortunately, if you struggle with frequent bad breath, your mouth may be giving you a warning that there is a problem with your oral health. Read on to learn more.