Do you have black triangles?

Rejuvenate and Refresh your Smile with BioClear at RiverCrest Family Dental in New Braunfels, TX

When you look at your smile in the mirror, do you notice what appear to be black triangles between your teeth near the gum line? Maybe you’ve always had a gap between your two front teeth that’s made you a little self-conscious about your smile. Or maybe you have one or two teeth that look smaller than they should. These are all common issues that can be easily fixed with BioClear

Bioclear is a minimally invasive and cost effective treatment that will fill in the spaces between your teeth. Bioclear eliminates catching food debris and plaque build up between the teeth. The results are incredibly natural looking!

What is BioClear?

Some patients have flaws in their teeth that they would like to fix but aren’t interested in a costly or extensive cosmetic treatment like veneers or crowns. BioClear is an excellent alternative to such treatments and just as effective in creating a beautiful smile.

The BioClear process involves a clear form that we place on your teeth wherever the gaps may be. We then fill that form with a composite that has been tinted to match your tooth enamel perfectly. Once the form comes off, you’re left with a natural-looking smile and NO GAPS.

Take years off your smile with BioClear

As you age, your gums can start to recede, and you might experience thinning tooth enamel or even bone loss. You may start to notice small, triangle-shaped gaps between your teeth, near the gum line that make your teeth look old. Even more troubling is that these gaps make it harder to take care of your teeth because food is constantly getting stuck in them.

With Bioclear, we can close those gaps for good and make your smile young again. The composite material we use looks just like real tooth enamel. It is smooth and shiny and contoured to enhance your natural teeth. When the process is complete, your smile will be fuller and more youthful.

Choose BioClear to reveal your best smile!


  • NO to black triangles, gaps, and misshapen teeth
  • NO to extensive drilling or filing to prepare your teeth for treatment
  • NO to booking multiple appointments to complete treatment

And say

  • YES to great-looking teeth in just one appointment
  • YES to strong, long-lasting results
  • YES to a cost-effective way to enchance your smile

If you are interested in learning more about BioClear and how it can transform your smile, schedule a consultation with Dr. Miri at Rivercrest Family Dental today!

Schedule your visit to Rivercrest Family Dental

Proudly serving New Braunfels, TX families for over 40 years!