Alternatives To Try Instead Of Consuming Candy This Halloween
Time always feels like it’s flying by! It’s hard to believe it’s October already, and Halloween will be here before we know it! Did you know that Americans purchase over $2 billion worth of candy during the Halloween season? While we know most of our patients love a sweet treat from time to time, a large increase in sugar from candy can be detrimental to your family’s oral health this Halloween. Thankfully, there are so many other options available instead of consuming your Halloween candy. We wanted to share some of our favorite alternatives.
Alternatives to Candy
Not only can candy be harmful to your oral health, but the number of allergies is increasing, and many candies are not beneficial to those who suffer from allergies or certain medical issues. These alternatives to candy may be a great tradition to begin:
Candy Trade-In
A popular trend in recent years is to trade candy in for a special non-food item, such as a toy or an experience.
Candy Bank
This option allows your children to enjoy their treats in moderation. Similar to a bank, a child will need to ask permission to “withdraw” their candy.
Donate to the Troops or an Organization
There are always organizations that are collecting wrapped Halloween candy to send to our troops or to distribute in other ways. This is a great way to get the candy out of your home and in the hands of someone who will enjoy it even more.
Schedule Your Next Visit
If it has been some time since your last visit to our office, now is a perfect time to schedule a hygiene examination and cleaning for you and your family. We will clean and inspect your teeth and recommend any treatments necessary. What a great way to be sure your teeth are healthy for the upcoming holiday season!
We hope you will try one of the ideas above. If you are located in the New Braunfels, TX area and need to schedule an appointment or have questions about your oral health, be sure to contact our office. We hope you and your family have a very happy and safe Halloween!