Tooth Replacement Options

Have you recently learned you need to have a tooth replaced? There are any number of reasons why we may recommend a tooth replacement, such as severe decay, gum disease, trauma to the mouth, aging, side effects from medication or illness. No matter the reason, choosing a tooth replacement option can be overwhelming. We want to ensure our patients have the knowledge and confidence to choose a tooth replacement that is best for their lifestyle and budget. At Rivercrest Family Dental, we offer several tooth replacement options and are here to help you every step of the way during the treatment process. We may recommend a treatment such as:

Please, Don’t Delay Dental Treatment!

We know that life can get busy, especially with the beginning of the school year and fall activities quickly approaching. If you or a loved one has been putting off or delaying a dental treatment, there is no time like the present to schedule the appointment. Delaying a recommended treatment can lead to a dental emergency, the need for additional treatments and added expenses. Delaying dental treatment can greatly impact the future of your oral health. Continue reading to learn more.