We Can Help Improve Your Quality Of Sleep

Do you wake each morning after a full night’s sleep and still feel like you didn’t get enough rest? Maybe you’ve heard from a loved one that you frequently snore. If so, you may be experiencing the effects of a common sleep condition that affects nearly a billion people each year — sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common condition that causes patients to stop breathing for a short time due to the tongue blocking the airway and causing the obstruction. Each time you stop breathing, due to lack of oxygen, your brain is alerted to the disruption, causing you to wake. This pattern typically continues through the entire sleep period.

Reasons You Should Never Skip A Dental Checkup

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been quite some time since your last visit, we recommend calling soon to schedule your appointment. We know that life can be busy, especially during this time of year. It always seems like work, family commitments, children’s sports and activities and events take up endless amounts of time. We are here to remind you that you need to make your oral health a priority. Routine examinations allow us to not only thoroughly clean your teeth, but to inspect for decay and other oral health complications as well. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of routine dental examinations.