IV Sedation Dentistry: Is it Possible to Relax at the Dentist?

Have you avoided visiting the dentist either for routine dental care or needed treatments because of dental anxiety? If so, you are not alone. Many Americans suffer from some form of dental fear that prevents them from receiving care. Avoiding dental care for prolonged periods of time can lead to tooth decay, the need for additional treatments, and added costs. Sedation dentistry allows our patients to receive the care they need while remaining in a relaxed state.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You

Would you love to make a change to your smile? With the holidays fast approaching, there is no better time to make the change you’ve been wanting. Whether you are unhappy with the color of your teeth or the shape and size of your teeth, we are here to help you. We offer a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can transform your smile. Interested? Read on to learn more about some of the cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer and how they can make big changes to your smile.