Your Questions About Dental Implants Answered

Are you interested in learning more about tooth replacement options for yourself or a loved one? We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have and make our treatment recommendations to improve your oral health. One popular tooth replacement option is dental implant placement. While most people have heard of dental implants, we still get quite a few questions about this treatment. We want to answer some of the most common questions we receive about dental implants. Read on to learn more.

Tooth Replacement Options

Have you recently learned you need to have a tooth replaced? There are any number of reasons why we may recommend a tooth replacement, such as severe decay, gum disease, trauma to the mouth, aging, side effects from medication or illness. No matter the reason, choosing a tooth replacement option can be overwhelming. We want to ensure our patients have the knowledge and confidence to choose a tooth replacement that is best for their lifestyle and budget. At Rivercrest Family Dental, we offer several tooth replacement options and are here to help you every step of the way during the treatment process. We may recommend a treatment such as:

Learn About This Life-Changing Dental Treatment

Are you in need of a tooth replacement? It can be overwhelming dealing with the emotions of losing a tooth and needing to choose a tooth replacement option at the same time. We are here to help you every step of the way in making a choice that will be beneficial for your lifestyle and your budget. We offer one replacement option that we recommend to every patient because of the natural appearance as well as the high level of function in the mouth — dental implants. Continue reading to learn more about dental implants and if you would be a candidate for treatment.